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Here is where I put my thoughts and opinions about the world.  Not just about the leather/ SM/ fetish world but the world in general as well.  This will be political commentary stuff, social policy stuff, and just general observation stuff.  Personal opinions through and through.  I do not make it a habit of forcing my opinions on anyone else but, if asked, then I clearly state what I think.  None of what I list on this page however, will be things that I would be unwilling to say in public.  While some things are better left unsaid, when I do have something to say in public it will be something I have thought through and am willing to both back up with facts and to stand behind.

This in no way means I am unable or unwilling to change my mind.  Provided I am shown conclusive proof to the contrary, I am very willing to correct myself when proven wrong.

If you would like to learn more about me – just ask!   Drop me a line and we’ll see what happens.  I can be reached
here at:

You can also try using Yahoo Messenger as I’ll have that one sometimes while I am at work or at home.

My Yahoo handle is:


Until later then,


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This page was last updated on: 01 May 2007